
Archive for September 12th, 2012

So, I’m sitting in my office last night, with Gilmore Girls on in the background, getting some work done on my computer.

I had to lodge an official complaint with a local group (following their protocol, by-laws and constitution) because of an adult losing her shit and being really rude to my daughter, and I was getting kind of mad.  But, I’m quickly learning to let some things go and not let people bait me, so after a couple of not-so-polite responses, I decided to stop the email threads and just leave it for the next board meeting.  My feelings were known, I didn’t lose my cool, but I decided to exit the conversation before I did.

Yes, she can be taught!!


I got an email back from an agent I had queried.  She wanted to see my manuscript!

She said “it sounds right up my alley” and she asked me to send the whole thing to her.

I lost it.  Kind of.  I mean, it’s hard to lose it when it’s after ten pm and most of the kids have gone to bed and your husband isn’t there and there’s just you and dogs hanging out in the bedroom, but I kind of lost it.

I was so surprised and happy I was shaking.  I went into the bedroom of my 14 yr old daughter and fell on her, hugging her.  She asked me what was wrong, almost alarmed that I came into her room shaking at that time of night.  I told her the news and she gave me the biggest hug.  We squealed like little girls and then I went back to my room to calm down.

Because, I have to remember not to count my chickens before they hatch.  It could still be a no.  There is every possibility that she will read the full book and decide that it’s not for her.  I’m trying to be more of a realist these days.  Not get my head all caught up in the clouds, and conversely, not let a negative experience drown me in darkness.  Balance, that’s what I’m trying to get to.  But it’s hard work.  I’m an emotional person.

Anyway, an AGENT totally has my full manuscript, she is going to get back to me some time mid next week (which is crazy fast in the literary world) and let me know.

I’m excited, I’m happy, but I’m trying to temper it with realism.

You, on the other hand, don’t need to be realists at all.  You can cross your fingers, toes, whatever, send me positive thoughts and wishes and basically hope like hell that I’ve found my agent.

I will be passively sitting here not letting my imagination run wild.  I’m practically zen.


Okay, who am I kidding??  I REALLY HOPE SHE LOVES IT!!

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